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Annotated bibliography on stress management

Annotated bibliography on stress management

annotated bibliography on stress management

Annotated bibliography on stress management. A key method of addressing burnout is understanding how to protect against burnout. This paper argues that job satisfaction is tied to burnout and turnover. Their research shows protective factors that can be leveraged to help organizations address burnout Annotated Bibliography On Stress Management: Annotated Bibliography on Stress. Research with children has demonstrated that cognitive-behavioral treatments CBT represent effective modalities for improving coping and diminishing affective distress. Chapman, Elwood N. Growing evidence indicates that elevated nighttime BP is superior to either clinic BP or daytime ambulatory BP as a prognostic Annotated Bibliography On Stress Management - Annotated Bibliography on Stress. A conducive and more comfortable working environment that enhances the working capacity of employees is a crucial requirement and ingredient in the success of organizations. These are the sense of community, meaningful work and inner life

Example Of Stress Management Annotated Bibliography | WOW Essays

The many negative effects of stress in fact affect individuals differently varying from health issues to work performance. Therefore, all individuals have different views of stress and various ways of handling it or otherwise managing their stress. Ways of dealing with stress are efforts of cognitive, behavioral, annotated bibliography on stress management, and psychological nature that allows a person to manage stress. Although there are different causes of stress, there are also many techniques for relieving it.

The following articles are intended for the reader to understand these different techniques for relieving stress, and coping with the effects that stress can cause. Stress Management Varvogli, L. Stress management techniques: evidence-based procedures that reduce stress and promote health, annotated bibliography on stress management.

Annotated bibliography on stress management Science Journal, 5 2In this evidence-based study, numerous stress management techniques are used to help reduce the ill effects that stress can cause. The authors explain each technique as well as the benefits. Annotated bibliography on stress management techniques include the following: Progressive Muscle Relaxation which consists of tensing and relaxing muscles in the abdomen, legs, arms, and face; Autogenic Training in which the person learns to annotated bibliography on stress management the body to relax and control otherwise autonomic body functions such as heartbeat and blood pressure.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy uses assessments, cognitive and behavioral treatments, along with physician and patient cooperation to help the patient become self-aware, and change their way of thinking; Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction uses meditation to help those suffering from mental or physical ailments; and the Emotional Freedom Technique which encompasses the use of acupressure while speaking a phrase out loud.

All of these techniques allow the individual to relax and alleviate stress, and improve his or her health. It also explained that these methods can help with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, pain management, and reduce anxiety due to chronic illness.

Engel B. Are We Out of Our Minds With Nursing Stress? Creative Nursing 10 4 The article was written about large amounts of stress occurring in the nursing community and the effect it has on us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

It goes on to describe certain ways to approach stress and stress relief to include, taking certain actions to manage stress and be able to use that to better the profession. Stress is a part of our daily lives and even more so in nursing. The situations that a nurse is put in on a daily basis are not only physically demanding, but are emotionally draining as well and even tax our spirituality having to annotated bibliography on stress management with death and dying, sickness and disease.

The article goes on to talk about stress manifestations, or how we perceive stress in our lives and our own approaches to it. Stress can be harmful and even debilitating. Or it annotated bibliography on stress management help sharpen your skills and challenge you to get better, depending on how you plan on dealing with it.

Understanding stress and what it can do will open us up to figuring out how to use it to our advantage. This is the ability to realize where you are in the situation, to include your physical body and what is going on around you.

This is described as knowing your body knowing what is going on inside and realizing where you are in the situation. Maloney, C. Critical incient stress debriefing and pediatric nurses: An approach to support the work enviroment and mitigate negative consequences.

Pediatric Nursing, 38 2 In this article Maloney covers stress debriefing for nurses involved in traumatic incidents in throughout the workplace, specifically paying close attention to critical incidents and pediatric nurses. Traumatic events are common in the nursing workplace and if not properly tended to, can result in physical and emotional distress.

Although quantitative research cannot determine the efficacy of critical incient stress debriefing, the author used a great example of a study that had extremely positive results that cut down the turnover in one hospital by half.

Furthermore, the article would be very relevant for research of stress management in nursing as well as for first responders i. The author points out those hospital administrators that are recognizing the needs for emotional support that goes beyond the responsibility of the individual, and those hospitals are implementing programs to provide all the support they can to help relieve the stress brought upon healthcare providers nurses, annotated bibliography on stress management.

Bento, W. Living with Stress as the New Norm of the Post Modern World its consequences and challenges. LILIPOH LILIPOH17 66 In this article, Bento states many different types of stresses that a person comes across on each and every day. The first is perceived threats of any kind, whether physical, social or financial. Stress due to threats is always related to needs either being denied or jeopardized. Whether rational or irrational, the feelings generated from such stress translate into existential angst.

The level of existential angst is higher the more it is perceived that there is no way to control or reduce annotated bibliography on stress management threat. Knowing and understanding the factors of stress will allow a person to further comprehend his or hers environment and surroundings. Once that understanding is further developed, an individual will be able to make steps into controlling and managing different types of stress.

Thus, applying it into the real world and the world of nursing. Solowieg, K. Take it easy: how the cycle of stress and pain associated with wound care affects recovery. This Article explains how stress can be detrimental to the human body, especially in a health care facility.

Pain is closely intertwined with stress being that when a person feels pain, their level of stress and anxiety can inhibit optimal immune system function, annotated bibliography on stress management. Pain itself can have a negative impact on wound healing, as it can contribute to stress and other negative emotional states including fear, anxiety and depression.

It is important to know how pain and stress are very similar because when combined the psychological effects is has on a person can slow down the process of healing. Furthermore, when initial pain is confronted right away with positive reinforcement, annotated bibliography on stress management, a negative reaction to a trauma, chronic wound or small damage can help a person or patient make a full recovery from a situation.

Urban, A. Managing stress. The Article written by Anne Marie Urban gives us insight to how we can manage and prevent stress. Stress is inevitable cannot be prevented. It is an integral part of our life and will always happen from time to time whether it is a positive or negative one. Urban states that there are four ways for a person to positive manage and analyze stress. In doing so can provide a good energy for a person to use for their everyday activities. The four steps to a positive mindset towards stress are called Stop, Breath, Reflect, and Choose.

Annotated bibliography on stress management first step, Stop, asks an individual to think and analyze what is going on in their surroundings, and asking to not let their emotions and thoughts escalate.

The second step is to Breathe. When in a stressful situation, it is difficult to take a second to catch your breath, but taking those few extra moments can help a person gather themselves. Taking deep breaths, and inhaling and exhaling calmly can help trigger a relaxation response to the body. Reflect is the third step of management. Analyzing and thinking about the situation.

This step asks to look from the outside and ask yourself internal questions. Asking these internal questions helps to see if an individual is being over reactive or if there are other alternatives. The last of the four steps is choosing your response to a situation. Knowing these techniques can help maintain manage stress at a low level. Being able to manage stress properly and doing so in a positive way will allow a person to achieve their goals or make a memorable impact on the world.

Davis, C. Forum to help staff deal with day-to-day Stress, annotated bibliography on stress management. Nursing Management — UK, 18 4 This article is based upon studies in hospitals in England, annotated bibliography on stress management.

The study provided a program to help hospital staff deal with stress from patient care, coworkers, and everyday stress in a hospital environment. In order to reduce stress, the article encourages discussion and group interaction in order to talk about emotional and social stress and challenges. One weakness to this article is that it annotated bibliography on stress management not touch on individual support for stress. If an individual does not benefit from the rounds and their stress level is still high, there is no alternative listed.

This article is promoting and advocating how rounds will help decrease stress in healthcare professional, which will ultimately improve patient care.

I believe that this article is on point with the implication of rounds for healthcare professionals. It allows the healthcare team to come together as a group and talk about problems and patient care, which can reduce stress and anxiety in the healthcare professionals, annotated bibliography on stress management. Cox, T. Work-related stress in nursing: controlling the risk to health.

pdf This scholarly article was written to identify the causes of stress in hospital-based nurses as well as provide therapies and techniques in order to manage stress, annotated bibliography on stress management. The article also touches on how stress affects the health of the nurse as well. This is the strength of this article because not only does it list the origin of stress, but it also states how overtime stress can affect the health of the nurse. This is helpful to readers because even though stress is a normal part of life, it must be controlled and managed otherwise it can negatively affect the health and wellness of the individual, annotated bibliography on stress management.

One weakness of this article is that it only focuses on hospital-based nursing and neglects nurses that are working outside of the hospital.

One way the article could be improved would be to research and comment on the profession of nursing as a whole rather than to only focused on nursing working inside the hospital. This article is a great article for nurses to read because it provides tips and techniques to avoid and reduce stress as well as manage stress once present.

Abraham, S. Relationship between stress and perceived self-efficacy among nurses in India. pdf This scholarly article focuses in on annotated bibliography on stress management in India and how stress affects not only the nurse but also the organization the nurse works for. This article states that the individual as well as the organization should manage the stress but the individual experiencing stress should be primarily in charge.

One strength of this article is that it emphasizes self-efficacy as a part of stress management. This is important for coping with stress because multitudes of tips and techniques can be offered, but it is up to the individual and the capacity for a change in behavior to cope with stress. A weakness of this article is that the study was conducted only in India and does not include nurses from all different countries.

This could be a weakness because nursing practices in India may differ from.

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Annotated Bibliography On Stress Management — Annotated Bibliography On Stress

annotated bibliography on stress management

Apr 10,  · Annotated Bibliography: Stress Management. by Essay Examples 5 years ago k Views 0 Votes. Throughout life stress is a common problem whether it’s at work, school or home. The many negative effects of stress in fact affect individuals differently varying from health issues to work performance. Therefore, all individuals have different views of stress and various ways of handling it Annotated Bibliography On Stress Management - Annotated Bibliography on Stress. A conducive and more comfortable working environment that enhances the working capacity of employees is a crucial requirement and ingredient in the success of organizations. These are the sense of community, meaningful work and inner life Mar 31,  · This paper analyzes the annotated bibliography of several articles about stress management in various situations. Talley, L. (). Stress Management in Pregnancy

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